(402) 421-6363



Believe in the goodness in thyself as well as in others.

Protect childhood with tenderness, old age with respect, cherish with reverence the memory of those who have passed.

Observe faithfully the golden rule.

Enjoy the good things of earth. Keep within thee the Glorious shine of youth and remain always of good cheer.

2024-25 Elk of the Year

Larry Schwindt received the Elk of the Year Award at the Installation ceremonies of the newly elected Officers of Elks Lodge #80 for the fraternal year 2025-26. Larry is a Past State President, Past Exalted Ruler, and Past District Deputy to the Grand Exalted Ruler. He has also Chaired the Christmas Giving project for many years. Larry has held most of the positions in the Lodge in his 29 years as a member. Larry is ac￾tive with the Elks Bowling League, the longest running league in Lin￾coln. Larry often helps with dinners and in the kitchen, and is active with the Corvette Club which meets at Lodge #80.


2024-25 Elk of the Year

Larry Schwindt - Elks of the Year & Troy Pedersen

2024-25 Citizen of the Year

Connie has remained involved with the Lodge in a big way since her partner Rich Todd passed away 6 years ago. Connie seeks to support the Lodge wherever she can - she attends every public event the Lodge holds, such as our Memorial Service, Installation, and Flag Day. She spent hours helping with our Christmas Giving Program, includ￾ing shopping, organizing, and wrap￾ping. She attends every Lodge din￾ner and helps not only sell tickets and serve dinner, but also stays to help clean up. She is always pleasant and welcoming. A better sup￾porter of the Elks and what we do for the community would be hard to come by. Thanks and congratulations to Connie Moore!


2024-25 Citizen of the Year

Troy Pedersen and Connie Moore - Citizen of the Year

2023-24 Officer of the Year

Milt Schmidt, Trustee, receiving the Officer of The Year Award last night at our annual Fish Fry at Lodge #80. Milt is very involved in our Lodge, and a key person in the Veteran's Committee, Veteran's Advisory Group, the Coffeehaus, the Veteran's Food Pantry and more. Himself a Vietnam Veteran, he sees the need for support for Veterans of all theaters, and volunteers much of his time in support of these activities. He is also first to step up and help with any project around the Lodge, as well as assisting those at Madonna Rehabilitation Center. His lovely wife Linda is always at his side, offering her support in his endeavors. Milt and Linda are a true treasure for Lodge #80, and we are delighted that he was chosen as Officer of The Year. Well done, Milt!


2023-24 Officer of the Year

Harry Montag & Milt Schmidt

2023-24 Elk of the Year

Vicki Jurgens, received our Elk of the Year award while caring for her husband Larry, who is recovering from hip surgery. Vicki was very involved in our lodge and has been around for quite some time. Vicki is a mainstay for our monthly food pantry at the Victory Apartments, where we distribute food and personal hygiene products to Veterans. She participates in the Army of Hope Halloween Spooktacular at the National Guard Armory. She helps with our monthly dinners and keeps a lot of us on task. Vicki gives generously to ENF every month (She is a Fidelity Member), she also fines time to volunteer at Matt Talbot Kitchen, serving food to those in need in our community. She is a great asset to our Lodge and a fine example of what an Elk embodies. Not everyone wants their success to be celebrated or even acknowledged. Your actions are words that can be followed. You are one who puts their whole heart into service for others. Your work shows your passion and compassion for others. Congratulations Vicki!


2023-24 Elk of the Year

Vicki Jurgens

2022-23 Elk of the Year

Larry Jurgens was presented with the Lincoln Elks Lodge #80 Elk of the Year award for 2022-23 by Larry Schwindt, PSP, PER, ER.


2022-23 Elk of the Year

Larry Schwindt & Larry Jurgens

2022-23 Officer of the Year

Jody Schrage was presented with the Lincoln Elks Lodge #80 Officer of the Year award for 2022-23 by Larry Schwindt, PSP, PER, ER.


2022-23 Officer of the Year

Larry Schwindt & Jody Schrage

2022-23 Citizen of the Year

Linda Schmidt was presented with the Lincoln Elks Lodge #80 Citizen of the Year award for 2022-23 by Larry Schwindt, PSP, PER, ER.


2022-23 Citizen of the Year

Larry Schwindt & Linda Schmidt

April 24, 2021 - State Officers of the Year

On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at the Nebraska State Convention, Laurie Montag was honored as the Officer of the Year for 2020. Harry Montag was honored as Officer of the Year for 2019. Harry's award was delayed due to the Covid-19 cancellation of the State Convention in 2020.


April 24, 2021 - State Officers of the Year

Harry Montag (2019), Dick Hansen and Laurie Montag (2020)

April 24, 2021 - John Brooks Award

On Saturday, April 24, 2021 at the Nebraska State Convention, Larry Jurgens was honored with the John Brooks Award.


April 24, 2021 - John Brooks Award

Larry and Vicki Jurgens

June 3, 2020 - Officer of the Year

The announcement of the Lincoln Elks Lodge #80’s Officer of the year was delayed this year due to the COVID19 virus. At the lodge meeting on June 3rd, a presentation was made from the PER Associa-tion by Laurie Montag, Lodge Secretary, PER and Larry Bratt PDDGER, PER to our 2019-2020 Officer of the Year. This year, the PER association asked for input from lodge members as to who they felt deserved the Officer of the Year award. This input was then re-viewed by the PER Association and a selection was made.

Our current ER and PER Harry Montag was the overwhelming choice and was presented with a letter outlining his achievements over the past year and how he has benefited our lodge by his leadership. He was also presented a plaque and a framed citation from Grand Lodge for being selected as Officer of the Year. Make sure you congratulate him when you see him around the lodge. From all of us, CONGRATULATIONS Harry and thanks for all you do! You are very deserving of this prestigious award!


June 3, 2020 - Officer of the Year

Larry Bratt, PER, PDD, 2VP, Harry Montag, ER and Laurie Montag, PER

June 3, 2020 - Elk of the Year

"Elks Care - Elks Share." These four simple words exemplify what our Elk of the Year has been doing for a very long time. When you think of someone who demonstrates the cardinal principles of our order Charity, Justice, Love of fellow man, and a desire to help others through his own self-sacrifice you will see that this year's Elk of the Year is very deserving of this honor.

Back the early 1900's, we as Elks, made a commitment to "lay a solid foundation for the future; building the moral and physical character of American boys and girls, the leaders of tomorrow." Since then, we have done much to fulfill that self-charged responsibility - and not for fanfare or publicity, but simply because they know it is the right thing to do.

Our Elk Of the year has always had a passion to teach and help young people with the sport of football. His passion for football and working with youth started a long time ago. You can say the seed for coaching started in Lincoln, NE. Playing as a youth through high school, the yearn to teach was brought to the forefront of his life while playing football in college. It was the right fit at the right time. He has coached since college and assumed the additional duty of Athletic Director of our 6 Elk teams in 2013.

His job is not a simple 3-month commitment, it a yearlong task. From ensuring that the equipment for the players is safe to recruiting and meeting with his coaches. In these discussions, he illustrates to the coaches that they must share the same zeal and belief that he embodies. That they teach through example, keep cool, not arguing, holding their heads up high when facing adversaries, and always respect others.

The start of each year begins with a directors meeting. The spring is the coach's clinic and then the Summer months weekly mini clinics to teach the young men and women basic skills and conditioning. August commences with teams being decided and then equipment check out. Finally, daily practice starts. When practice begins its football six days a week as well as coaches' meetings.

Our Elk of the Year, Justin White, is able to teach, coach, mentor, is a friend, and a father. Last year, Justin was responsible for 6 teams, 23 Coaches, over 132 young men and women plus their parents.

In the off-season he and his wife are busy with their family spending time together and making memories. Justin is also a participant in our lodge helping with our Annual Fish Fry in April and our Children's Christmas party in December. We as an Elks lodge appreciate the sacrifices that Justin makes. He is truly what an ELK is. Humble and a guiding light for others to follow!


June 3, 2020 - Elk of the Year

Harry Montag, ER, Justin White. and Scott Schrage

November 5, 2019 - Jeffrey Schwaller Memorial Award

In order to receive the Shawn Jeffrey Schwaller Memorial Award from the Elks Football Program you have be an Eighth Grader and played in the Elks Program 2 years. The coaches and the staff vote on who gets this award. The players do not vote. This takes away the issue of who is popular etc. It is based on the player being a well rounded individual both on and off the field, a good citizen, displays good sportsmanship, a person who respects his fellow players, coaches and the officials of the game. A person who others look to for advice, guidance and leadership, putting the team ahead of individual honors. This person does not have to be the most gifted athlete on the field but must be the person who best represents the Elks Program. In many cases the gifted player does win but it is because this individual has developed into a role model, he has earned the respect and admiration of his teammates and became a leader. The award is not based on who is the leading defensive player or running back and these stats are not to be a consideration when voting by the coaching staff or staff member. More than one award can be given out in each year if the staff feels there are several players worthy of receiving this honor. Shawn had all these special qualifications and the award is presented to players who mirror that image.

This year the Elks are able to honor two young men who demonstrated what the award is about, Trevor Vocasek and Justin Holmes mirrored what the Award is for on and off the playing field. The Elks are proud and honored to have Trevor and Justin to be this year winners.


November 5, 2019 - Jeffrey Schwaller Memorial Award

Trevor Vocasek, Justin White A.D. and Justin Holmes

March 7, 2019 - Scout Leadership Recognition

On March 7, 2019, Larry Holmes, Scoutmaster of Troop 8, awarded Lincoln Elks Lodge #80 Scouting Chair Randy King with an honorary neckerchief (that Larry helped design), in recognition of 15 years of service to recognizing Eagle Scouts in the Salt Valley District, by awarding American Flags flown over the Nation's Capitol to them at their Courts of Honor. Lodge #80 participates in approximately 40 Eagle ceremonies a year in the Lincoln area.


March 7, 2019 - Scout Leadership Recognition

Randy King and Larry Holmes, Scoutmaster of Troop 8

July 18, 2018 - ENF Leadership Pin Presentation

On Wednesday, July 18th, 2018, Larry was presented the Grand Lodge Elks National Foundation Leadership Pin from Exalted Ruler Troy Pedersen for our lodge meeting Grand Exalted Ruler Malcolm J. McPherson Jr. (2017 - 2018) ENF goal of $4.60 per member. Congratulation Larry for your Elks dedication locally, to our state and nationally.


July 18, 2018 - ENF Leadership Pin Presentation

Larry Bratt, PDDGER & Troy Pedersen, Exalted Ruler

June 6, 2018 - Donation to the Lodge Kitchen

On Wednesday evening, June 6th, our lodge Tiler, Larry Jurgens and his wife, member Vicki donated a much needed KitchenAid mixer for our kitchen. With monthly dinners put on throughout the year, a nice mixing machine will lighten everyone's load and save valuable preparation time. Now, Larry and Vicki will have to find other ways to exercise those forearms. Thanks again for your generous donation.


June 6, 2018 - Donation to the Lodge Kitchen

Troy Pedersen, Exalted Ruler, Larry Jurgens & Vicki Jurgens

June 6, 2018 - Outstanding Service Commendation

On Wednesday, June 6th, Larry Klein, Website Administrator, received a much deserved Grand Exalted Ruler's Outstanding Service Commendation from Exalted Ruler Pedersen and PER / Trustee Montag. Larry's award reads: Lincoln, Nebraska Lodge No. 80 Recognizing the Exceptional Contributions of this Dedicated Member to our Grand Lodge of the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. Congratulations Larry from all the Elks members of Lodge No. 80. In addition, not only does Larry maintain elks80.org website, he also is in charge of maintaining the Nebraska State Elks Association nebraskaelks.org website as well.


June 6, 2018 - Outstanding Service Commendation

Troy Pedersen, Exalted Ruler, Larry Klein & Laurie Montag, PER

April 28, 2018 - Lodge Bulletin Contest Winner

Congratulations to Maureen Sadler, Lincoln Lodge No. 80's editor of our monthly bulletin called the Elk-O-Gram. State Public Relations Chairman, Stephen Wirth and his committee hold a contest at the end of each fraternal (2017-2018) year and request the 19 lodges across our state to submit their top (3 consecutive issues) lodge monthly bulletins for a chance at the 1st, 2nd and 3rd place awards. Lincoln won 1st, Omaha was 2nd and Broken Bow finsihed 3rd. Congratulations again to Maureen and her staff for winning their 6th First Place in a row, award. Thanks to all lodges who participated.


April 28, 2018 - Lodge Bulletin Contest Winner

Maureen Sandler with Laurie Montag, Exalted Ruler

April 7, 2018 - Officer of the Year

Our Officer of the Year, as voted on by the PER Association, is Jerry Wilson, current Lodge Secretary, a member for 39 years and a supporter of the Elks National Foundation. Presenting his awards are PER Wirth, past Officer of the Year, Wauneta Peterson, Jerry Wilson and PDDGER Larry Bratt.


April 7, 2018 - Officer of the Year

PER Stephen Wirth, Past Officer of the Year, Wauneta Peterson, Jerry Wilson & PDDGE Larry Bratt

April 7, 2018 - Elk of the Year

Maureen Sadler, was presented the Elk of the Year by ER Montag, for all her work in ensuring the monthly Elk-O-Gram information is gathered, articles of interest are assembled and her staff delivers and picks up from The Printers for folding, labeling and mailing to the membership on or before the 1st of each month.


April 7, 2018 - Elk of the Year

Maureen Sadler and Exalted Ruler, Laurie Montag

April 7, 2018 - Citizen of the Year

Exalted Ruler Laurie Montag and Past Trustee Kim Wiseman presented the Citizen of the Year to Susan Brown who started a group called “We Can Do This” which provides meal for kids throughout weekends at the “F” Street Recreation Center (402.441.7951). Lodge #80 donated $100 dollars to support her cause.


April 7, 2018 - Citizen of the Year

Exalted Ruler, Laurie Montag, Susan Brown & Past Trustee, Kim Weisman

August 16, 2017 - DDGER Special Recognition

A special presentation was made at our most recent lodge meeting on Wednesday, the 16th to Larry Bratt who just completed his one year duty as Nebraska East District Deputy to the Grand Exalted Ruler, 2016 - 2017. Pictured is Larry holding his special citation which reads as follows: Grand Exalted Ruler's Commendation for EXCELLENCE is presented to Larry R. Bratt, DDGER Nebraska-East District No. 5200 In Grateful Recognition For Dedicated And Meritorious Service To The Benevolent And Protective Order Of Elks, And In Particular For Supporting Elkdom's Programs While Fulfilling The Responsibilities Of The Office Of District Deputy. In testimony whereof, witness our signatures of Michael F. Zellen, Grand Exalted Ruler and Bryan R. Klatt, Grand Secretary. In addition, a nice letter was presented to Larry which stated: Please accept this Commendation for Excellence on behalf of your State Sponsor James M. McQuillan, PGER and the Grand Secretary's Office, for the hard work you have done this past year. Your dedication, service and leadership throughout the year are greatly appreciated. Sincerely and fraternally, Bryan R. Klatt, Grand Lodge Secretary. The officers and members of Lincoln Lodge No. 80 stand with our PGER McQuillan, PGER Zellen and Grand Secretary Klatt in saluting you, Larry, on a very successful year as our District Deputy. Congratulations. Also pictured with Larry is Exalted Ruler Laurie Montag, who made the presentation at our lodge meeting.


August 16, 2017 - DDGER Special Recognition

Larry Bratt & Laurie Montag, Exalted Ruler

June 10, 2017 - Elk of the Year

On June 10th, at the Spaghetti Feed fund raiser for Lincoln's Ritual Team, Exalted Ruler Laurie Montag made a s pecial award presentation to Duane L. Vanderbeek as Lincoln Lodge No. 80's Elk of the Year. This person is voted on by the 2016 - 2017 officers and the award is to be presented at the first opportunity prior to or just after installation of the new officers for the 2017 - 2018 lodge year. PER Mary Brooks was unable to be present at the award ceremony because of out-of-town commitments and it just so happened Duane was coming to the Spaghetti Feed. We surprised Duane once again. Previously, Duane won the State Elk of the Year award in April at the State Convention. Usually, these awards are presented in reverse order, however, it didn't matter to Duane. Congratulation on being both the local lodge and state Elk of the Year.


June 10, 2017 - Elk of the Year

Duane Vanderbeek & Laurie Montag, Exalted Ruler