(402) 421-6363



Believe in the goodness in thyself as well as in others.

Protect childhood with tenderness, old age with respect, cherish with reverence the memory of those who have passed.

Observe faithfully the golden rule.

Enjoy the good things of earth. Keep within thee the Glorious shine of youth and remain always of good cheer.

March 22, 2025 - Teen of the Year

Teen of the Year recognition was held at the Lodge on Saturday, March 22, 2025. Forty-eight 8th grade students from middle schools throughout Lodge 80’s jurisdiction were recognized as outstand-ing students, excelling not only academically, but as caring young leaders. Mary Ryan, Chairperson of the Committee, speaking to the crowd.

March 23rd, 2024 - Teen of the Year

On March 23rd Elks Lodge #80 honored 44 eighth graders from schools in Lincoln and the surrounding area in two ceremonies recognizing the Teen of the Year.

The youth, one boy and one girl from each school, were nominated by their teachers in areas of character, civic involvement, academics, volunteerism or athletics. Each school had a representative come before the assembled group and give a short presentation about the reason each teen was being recognized, and the young people were then presented with a certificate of recognition and a small gift from the Lodge. Lodge members were on hand to assist and each stu-dent brought with them family and friends, resulting in a packed house each time!

The Lodge hosts this award ceremony every spring as a way to honor young people who show great promise for future achievement. Schools that participated this year were: St. Theresa's Catholic, Moore Middle, Scott Middle, Raymond Central, Mickle Middle, Park Middle, North American Martyrs, Schoo Middle, St. Michael's, Lefler Middle, Parkview Christian, St. Joseph's, Waverly, St. Patrick's, Pound Middle, Blessed Sacrament, St. John's, Malcolm, Lux Middle, Irving Middle, and Lincoln Christian.

Thank you to Mary Ryan, Tiler, for Chairing this Committee.

See the Honorees

March 23rd, 2024 - Teen of the Year

On March 23rd Elks Lodge #80 honored 44 eighth graders from schools in Lincoln and the surrounding area in two ceremonies recognizing the Teen of the Year.

The youth, one boy and one girl from each school, were nominated by their teachers in areas of character, civic involvement, academics, volunteerism or athletics. Each school had a representative come before the assembled group and give a short presentation about the reason each teen was being recognized, and the young people were then presented with a certificate of recognition and a small gift from the Lodge. Lodge members were on hand to assist and each stu-dent brought with them family and friends, resulting in a packed house each time!

The Lodge hosts this award ceremony every spring as a way to honor young people who show great promise for future achievement. Schools that participated this year were: St. Theresa's Catholic, Moore Middle, Scott Middle, Raymond Central, Mickle Middle, Park Middle, North American Martyrs, Schoo Middle, St. Michael's, Lefler Middle, Parkview Christian, St. Joseph's, Waverly, St. Patrick's, Pound Middle, Blessed Sacrament, St. John's, Malcolm, Lux Middle, Irving Middle, and Lincoln Christian.

Thank you to Mary Ryan, Tiler, for Chairing this Committee.

See the Honorees

May 22, 2023 - Court of Honor

Jack Dynek,Brady Franze, Carson Agnew, and Samuel Gibbs of Troup 2 were honored on Monday May 22nd at the Vine Congregational Church by PERs Laurie Montag and Troy Pedersen for achieving the rank of Eagle Scout. Jack Dynek's project was the first phase of the Vine Congregational Church Outbuilding. Brady Franzen's project was leading a group of people to repaint two full size trailers in the parking lot at Holy Saviors Lutheran Church. Samuel Gibbs' project was refinishing and painting the doors at Vine Concretional Church. Carson Agnew's project was a garden fence at Sheridan Lutheran

March/April - Eagle Scout Honorees

Nick McGahan, Troop 159; Spencer Sharp; Troop 25: Owen & Gabriel Lingren, Troop 32; Christian Townsend, Troop 64; and Michale Bean, Troop 64

January 2023 - Nebraska East District Hoop Shoot

Winners from the Falls City, NE and the Lincoln, NE local Hoop Shoot, competited at the one of the Nebraska Districts Hoop Shoot competition held at Southeast Community College in Lincoln, NE in January 2023, for rights to advance to the State Hoop shoot being held in York, NE. The Elks Hoop Shoot is a free throw program for youth ages 8-13. Each year, you don’t have to be the fastest, biggest, or strongest athlete on the court to sink one free throw after another. Practice and precision are the name of the game. When you step up to the free throw line, it should be a level playing field.

The Elks National Foundation and the entire Hoop Shoot team nationwide are committed to making contests fully inclusive, equitable, and safe for all our participants and volunteers.

We would like to thank the following representatives from Lincoln Lodge #80 and Grand Island Lodge #604 for volunteering their time and day off to help make this event happen. Scott and Jody Schrage, Randy King, Maureen Sadler Larry Schwindt, ,Ken Cohn, Diane Dannelly, Milt and Linda Schmidt, Larry and Vicki Jurgens, Harry, Laurie and Sammi Montag and our State President Jane Berggren.

April 18, 2021 - Teen of the Year

Teen of the Year was held drive-in style on Sunday, April 10. Thirty-six outstanding 8th graders from 18 area middle schools were recognized with a certificate, an insulated water bottle engraved with the honor, and a $25 cash prize.
Chair Amy Jacobsen contacted each middle school and solicited an outstanding male and female 8th grader. We would normally have had celebrations in the lodge, but the reemergence of the Omicron variant in late January put those plans in jeopardy. We hope to be able to return to the in-person celebrations next year. In the meantime, you can enjoy the photos of the recipients on our website, elks80.org.

December 2021 - Lincoln Hoop Shoot

May 3, 2021 - Youth Scholarship Night

Due to the continued restrictions on social gatherings caused by the Covid-19 virus, this annual event was not held this year. Scholarships and achievemnet certificates were mailed to the recipients.

Click here for scholarship and certificate winners.

April 18, 2021 - Teen of the Year

The Lodge recognized Teen of the Year recipients on Sunday, April 18 at the Lodge. Each recipient and their parents drove up to the west side of the lodge to receive their engraved water bottle, certificate, cookies, and $25 cash. Teens of the Year are 8th graders from surrounding area Middle Schools who are nominated by their teachers for being well-rounded and involved in their schools – one boy and one girl are selected. Twenty-eight students arrived to pick up their award during a 2-hour period. Thanks goes out to T-O-Y chairperson Amy Jacobsen and volunteers Scott and Jody Schrage, Harry and Laurie Montag, Larry and Vicki Jurgens (who also provided the cookies for the winners), Larry Schwindt, Larry Bratt, Rev. Dr. Wil-liam Jackson, and Wauneta Peterson for helping us recognize these deserving young people! And a tip of the hat to Larry Bratt, who took on the task of getting the remaining awards to those who were not able to attend.

May 4, 2020 - Youth Scholarship Night

Due to restrictions on social gatherings caused by the Covid-19 virus, this annual event was not held this year. Scholarships and achievemnet certificates were mailed to the recipients.

Click here for scholarship and certificate winners.

May 6, 2019 - Youth Awards Night

May 6, 2019 - Southeast Community College - Lincoln, NE

Southeast Community College gymnasium set the stage for Youth Night on Monday, May 6, 2019, Many Elks were in attendance to help recognize 41 scholarship winners and more that 225 certificates were presented to area high school juniors who excelled in their area of interest. Attendance was well in excess of 400 students, faculty, and parents. Larry Schwindt gave the benediction and led the Pledge of Allegiance; E.R. Harry Montag gave the welcome, Larry Bratt PER served as Master of Ceremonies, and yours truly brought up the caboose. All in attendance were treated to cookies and beverages at the conclusion of the event.

Click here for details
Scholarship Recipients
Certificate Honorees

March 17, 2019 - Teen of the Year

Students, 1 boy and 1 girl from each school, received a plaque and gift card in appreciation of all their hard work and achievements both academically as well as within their communities. Representatives from each school's facility were present and introduced their school teens and told about each one's accomplishment. Many family members, friends and Elk were present for this occasion. Amy Jacobsen, PER served as Master of Ceremonies for the event.

These schools were represented at this event: Lefler, Lux, Malcolm, Milford, Moore, Norris, Park, Parkview, Pound, Raymond, Scott, St. Patrick's, St. Peter's and Waverly


March 17, 2019 - Teen of the Year

Back Row: Anna Clarke - Waverly; Charlie Johnson - Malcolm; Chandler Page - Parkview; Breena Potter - Malcolm; Blaine Traudt - Moore; Ella Swank - Moore; Ethan Olson - Pound; Geneva Rawlings - Scott; Ezra Nitzel - Scott; Nicholas McGahan - St. Patrick's; Conner Miller - Lefler.
Middle Row: Tandee Masco - Milford; Hae Htoo - Park; Jama Lasu - Lefler; Rachel Bos - Raymond; Autumn Lindsley - Parkview; Tiffany Ha - Pound; Annalisa Arceneaux - St. Patrick's; Hannah Robb - Lux
Front Row: Charlie Johnson - Waverly; Breena Potter - Norris; Molly Chapman - St. Peter's; Isaac Dohmen - St. Peter's; Charlie Johnson - Norris

March 3, 2019 - Teen of the Year

Students, 1 boy and 1 girl from each school, received a plaque and gift card in appreciation of all their hard work and achievements both academically as well as within their communities. Representatives from each school's facility were present and introduced their school teens and told about each one's accomplishment. Many family members, friends and Elk were present for this occasion. Larry Bratt, PER/PDDGER served as Master of Ceremonies for the event.

These schools were represented at this event: St. Michael's Catholic School, Schoo Middle School, North American Martyrs Catholic School, Blessed Sacrament Catholic School, Cathedral of the Risen Christ Catholic School, Goodrich Middle School, Mickle Middle School, St. Teresas's Catholic School, St. Johns the Apostle Catholic School, Culler Middle School and Irving Middle School.


March 3, 2019 - Teen of the Year

Back Row: Paye Lyons - St. Michael's, Ethan Wollberg - North American Martyrs, Vincent Bui - Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Glorie Brassil - Irving, William Cunningham - St. Teresa's, Ben Brassil - Irving, Mason Beck - St. Joseph's, Alyson Gubbels - St. Joseph, Londyn Thorne - St John's the Apostle Catholic
Middle Row: Joslyn Oglesby - Cathedral of the Risen Christ, Poni John - Goodrich, Peyton Lehr - Mickle, Ruth Cunningham - St. Teresa's, Ethan Wemhoff - St. John's the Apostle Catholic, Maricela Zamora - Culler
Front Row: Patrick Medinger-St. Michael, Ava Simpson - Schoo Middle, Haydon Nagel - Schoo Middle, Emma Codr - North American Martyrs, Mollie Clarke - Blessed Sacrament

2018 - Hoop Shoot

December 1, 2018 - Southwest High School

There were just two participants in the Boys 12-13 division and one participant in the Girls 12-13 division.

2018 - Girl Scouts Awards Day

June 9, 2018 - State Capitol Rotunda - Lincoln, NE

Once again, Lincoln Lodge No. 80 participated in the Girl Scouts Ceremony which took place at our Capitol Rotunda on Saturday, June 9th at 2 p.m. Girl Scout Chairman Stephen Wirth along with Trustee Randy King, Exalted Ruler Troy Pedersen, Past Trustee, PER Terry Edwards and Esteemed Leading Knight Harry Montag were assisting.

A total of 5 girls received their Gold Awards, 25 girls received their Silver Awards and 46 girls received their Bronze Awards, consisting of certificates and American flags donated by the Elks. Each Gold Awardee received a 3' X 5' cotton American flag plus a certificate of authenticity signifying that the flag was flown over our nations' Capitol.

Pictured are those girls who could attend.

Gold Awards: Elise Roselius (Lincoln) and Izabelle Krupa (Omaha).

Elise's project consisted of working with 12 second through fourth graders after school teaching basic Spanish vocabulary and conversational skills in a fun way at the Holmes Community Learning Center.

Izabelle's project consisted of creating a team that focused on making dresses for girls in dis-advantage areas of Africa.

Also pictured are Silver and Bronze recipients who could attend with their sights on gold in the future.

Reception following in an outdoor courtyard of the Capitol which included refreshments and of course, a variety of Girl Scout Cookies.

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