(402) 421-6363
Greetings to all!
St. Patrick’s Day is almost here, with green and spring coming. After our below zero temps a few weeks ago finally dying down. Birds are going to start flying North for their annual migration. School spring breaks will be starting for the anticipation of warmer days on the horizon. Fun in the sun with a warm South breeze, getting too much sun, sounds like a long ways off. But in reality spring will soon be here, the dreaded lawn mowing and fighting weeds instead of moving snow. The lawn mowing don't sound too bad now, being outside is a good way to keep active. Physically fit for a long life and healthy relationships with fellow ELKS and family. When it comes down to it there is only family; your job helps with paying the monthly bills but family will be around for a life time.
Lodge #80's St. Patrick's Day dinner will be on Saturday the 15th of March, RSVP early since this one is always well attended. Teen of the year is coming up in March 22 for 8th grade boys and girls selected by the Lincoln and surrounding area middle schools. Great to hear the school representative talking about their students' accomplishments and what the next generation is up to. Scholarships scoring is being finished up for the recipients, eager to start their new adventure in learning, with some help and funds from your neighborhood Lodge #80. Every bit helps with college being expensive. You pretty much need some education to help get ahead in life. Education has never hurt anybody; it is well worth it .The school of hard knocks does work but usually takes longer to reap the rewards! The more money we make the more we can give away to help people in need. To keep the Lodge running, sponsor some Lodge dinners to keep us around for another 137 years in Lincoln. So as always, get active, keep the EOG handy, and just have fun!
Troy Pedersen ER Lincoln Lodge #80
Jolly CorksHours | |
Tue | 3~7 |
Thr | 3~7 |
Fri | 3~9 |
Sat | 3~7 |