(402) 421-6363



Believe in the goodness in thyself as well as in others.

Protect childhood with tenderness, old age with respect, cherish with reverence the memory of those who have passed.

Observe faithfully the golden rule.

Enjoy the good things of earth. Keep within thee the Glorious shine of youth and remain always of good cheer.

Exalted Ruler
Troy Pedersen

Greetings to all!

St. Patrick’s Day is almost here, with green and spring coming. After our below zero temps a few weeks ago finally dying down. Birds are going to start flying North for their annual migration. School spring breaks will be starting for the anticipation of warmer days on the horizon. Fun in the sun with a warm South breeze, getting too much sun, sounds like a long ways off. But in reality spring will soon be here, the dreaded lawn mowing and fighting weeds instead of moving snow. The lawn mowing don't sound too bad now, being outside is a good way to keep active. Physically fit for a long life and healthy relationships with fellow ELKS and family. When it comes down to it there is only family; your job helps with paying the monthly bills but family will be around for a life time.

Lodge #80's St. Patrick's Day dinner will be on Saturday the 15th of March, RSVP early since this one is always well attended. Teen of the year is coming up in March 22 for 8th grade boys and girls selected by the Lincoln and surrounding area middle schools. Great to hear the school representative talking about their students' accomplishments and what the next generation is up to. Scholarships scoring is being finished up for the recipients, eager to start their new adventure in learning, with some help and funds from your neighborhood Lodge #80. Every bit helps with college being expensive. You pretty much need some education to help get ahead in life. Education has never hurt anybody; it is well worth it .The school of hard knocks does work but usually takes longer to reap the rewards! The more money we make the more we can give away to help people in need. To keep the Lodge running, sponsor some Lodge dinners to keep us around for another 137 years in Lincoln. So as always, get active, keep the EOG handy, and just have fun!

Troy Pedersen ER Lincoln Lodge #80


Jolly Corks

Karaoke, March 21st

Bring a goodie to share.

Sunday, March 23rd
Officer Installation

2 PM At the Lodge

Saturday, April 12th
Fish Fry

Fried Pollock, Homemade Baked Beans, Coleslaw with Pickle Spears, Rye Bread. Homemade Brownies and Ice Cream for Dessert
Social hour: 5:30pm
Dinner: 6:30pm
RSVP by April 10th - Tickets $14.00 per person
Sponsored by Friends of the Jolly Cork

Donate to Elks National Foundation


The lodge was informed that the Elk-O-Gram newsletter is available to current Elk members only. With that in mind, it was decided to have members log on to the website to view the EOG.

In order to log on to the website, you will need to register a user id and password to obtain access.

  • To register, click on the words "Logon - Members only" in the upper right hand corner of a elks80.org web page. You will be taken to the logon page.
  • On logon page click on the "No password, please Register" words in the bottom right of the logon page. You wil be taken to the Registration form.
  • On the registration page, You will need to enter data in each field to create your password. This data must match the data that is on the CLMS (The Grand Elks Lodge database.) If you have problems with obtaining a password, please contact the webmaster (link at the bottom of every elks80 web page).
  • After you obtain your user credentials, return to the logon page and log on. You will then see a link to the newsletters on the menu on the left side of the screen.

Thanks for your cooperation and understanding.


To All Lodge #80 Membership

The Covid-19 pandemic has truly disrupted and changed our lives in unprecedented ways. Places we used to visit or frequent have changed as we have. We all need to adjust to the new norm.

If you look around Lincoln, you can see the economic impact that we are currently experiencing. For the first time in my life I was left with a very unsettling feeling going to the grocery store and discovering shelf's that had no product on them or please limit yourself to 1, signs.

Even our lodge is struggling to make ends meet. We were given an increase in our property valuation, we were closed for several months, we did not have meals or events scheduled. Revenue that used to flow was nonexistent.

We had to do something. Since we had very limited resources coming in, we had to find ways to reduce costs. One way was to ask the County Tax commissioners to grant us a tax exemption, I am very sure that you have heard the term Quid Pro Quo. (This for that) So in exchange for a considerable savings (to all of us) we had to give up some hours of operation. We did not have to lay off any current employees we simply did not replace, again saving us a large chunk of money. We changed supply companies, soon cable companies, pest control companies and other things just to name a few.

We are making these changes to stay within our financial constraints and to be good Stewards of your money.

I appreciate your understanding. I am looking forward to seeing you all soon

Thanks, Harry